In 2006, the County of Madera began the process of developing on IRWMP for managing and protecting water resources.
IRWM Plan was completed for the Madera Region under Prop 50. This is a complete plan under the Prop 50 Standards that includes both the foothill and the valley areas, creating many new partnerships and involvement.
The Madera County Water Advisory Commission created the Formation Committee to create the Regional Water Management Group.
The RWMG for the Madera Region was officially formed.
Round 1 Implementation Grant was granted for the full amount of the award – $9,413,947.00
Ash Slough Arundo and Sediment Removal
Cottonwood Creek, Dry Creek, & Berenda Creek – Arundo and Sediment Removal
Root Creek Recharge Project
Fuel Reduction for Forest Health & Fire Safety in the Sierra National Forest (The first Forest Management Project funded as part of an IRWM which recognizes Watershed Health as a whole.)
Received recommendation for full funding, $271,438.00, for the Round 2 Planning Grant to update the IRWM Plan to Proposition 84 standards
Received approval of Formal Amendment 2 to relocate Project #2 from Cottonwood Creek, Dry Creek, & Berenda Creek to Berenda Slough and an extension of Ash Slough.
Updated IRWMP
Received Prop 1 funding for Disadvantaged Community outreach $300,400 for the valley and $186,000 for the foothills.
Awarded Proposition 1 Funds for four projects. $551,450.00 for an Indian Lakes project in the Foothills and $1,689,635.00 for the communities for Parkwood and Parksdale and the City of Madera.
550 E Shaw Ave #210-B,
Fresno, CA 93710
(559) 730-8435