Regional Water
Management Group
The mission of the Regional Water Management Group (RWMG) will facilitate future coordination, collaboration, and communication for comprehensive management of water resources in the Madera Region.
What is an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan?
An Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWM Plan) is a voluntary and comprehensive non-regulatory planning document prepared on a region-wide scale that identifies broadly supported priority water resources projects and programs with multiple benefits. The process of creating an IRWM Plan is locally driven and includes input from many diverse stakeholders. An IRWM Plan investigates a broad spectrum of water resources issues including water supply, flood management, water quality, environmental restoration, recreation, land use, environmental justice, stakeholder involvement, and far-reaching community and statewide interests. A key difference in IRWM Plans (as compared to other planning documents) is that IRWM Plans integrate multiple water management strategies to solve multiple priority challenges. IRWM Plans can help attract state and other funding to support regional projects. Millions of dollars have been allocated for IRWM Planning by the state through propositions 50 and 84. Grants are awarded through the California Department of Water Resources (DWR).
Mission Statement
The mission of the Regional Water Management Group (RWMG)
will facilitate future coordination, collaboration, and communication for comprehensive management of water resources in the Madera Region. Through the mutual understanding among entities in the Madera Region regarding their joint efforts toward Integrated Regional Water Management we will ensure governance, development, planning, funding, and implementation to make certain that optimal and affordable water supplies & facilities are available now and, in the future, to sustain this region and its responsible growth.
Interested in Joining?

Timeline of Accomplishments
Developing Process
In 2006, the County of Madera began the process of developing on IRWMP for managing and protecting water resources.
IRWM Plan was completed for the Madera Region under Prop 50. This is a complete plan under the Prop 50 Standards that includes both the foothill and the valley areas, creating many new partnerships and involvement.
Formation Committee
The Madera County Water Advisory Commission created the Formation Committee to create the Regional Water Management Group.
RWMG for Madera Region
The RWMG for the Madera Region was officially formed.
Implementation Grant
Round 1 Implementation Grant was granted for the full amount of the award – $9,413,947.00
Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Meetings are on the 4th Monday of every month at 1:30 pm. Meetings are held virtually on Zoom and via telephone with a call-in number. Meeting details are listed on the agenda for both the Zoom option and call-in option. Please contact Jacob Roberson for more information at or (559) 730-8435.
IRWM Roundtable of Regions
The Roundtable of Regions is a consortium of representatives from Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Regions around the state. Each IRWM is unique – but they all share many common interests. The Roundtable provides a forum for interested parties working on IRWM to discuss those interests and to share their successes and challenges. It also provides a forum for collaborating and providing input to the State on the IRWM Program. The Roundtable welcomes all groups who are actively working on developing and/or implementing IRWM Plans.